Thursday, February 18, 2010

Open House at Bell Tower on 34th

We had an Open House at the Bell Tower on 34th two days ago and had a great time.  The Bell Tower invited us to be there to showcase our work and meet some of their brides.  We had a great time meeting many of the brides that have booked their weddings there or were planning to book their wedding.  Of course, we got to eat some of the delicious food they were serving.  The event finished at 9pm but after breaking down the booth and returning the truck I had to borrow to bring the booth background, it was already 11pm.  I had been up since 6am that morning because we had a P90X workout that morning. So by the time 11pm rolled around, I was pooped!!  Anyways, here is a shot of our booth that night. 


About the Photographer

He is the passionate and talented photographer behind the studio that is known as Montage Photographers. Inspired by people and relationships, his images capture the personality and emotions of the subjects, forever capturing a moment in time for his clients to cherish forever. The art and style in the pages of fashion magazines, bridal magazines and other couture publications are reflected in his images, often called stylized fashion/photojournalism.
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