Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Edwin and Raquel's Wedding

It's been like a week now that I've last posted to the blog. I've been moving and my DSL has been down and still is down. Luckily my neighbors allow me camp onto their wifi. ( They don't know this though) Getting my house in order and fixing all the little things in the house is a full time job, and trying to run a business is tough. Not much sleep lately. I think I'm in need of some energy to get me through the Thanksgiving meals. (B12 anyone??)
I still don't have a fridge in my house yet, it's been about 9 days since I moved in. It's funny how you take for granted having a fridge and the ability to store food overnight. Everything I cook, I have to eat that night. I guess it's been a good excuse to go out and eat more...hehehe
Anyways, here are images from Raquel's and Edwin's wedding. More images are available on my facebook Album.
Have a safe Thanksgiving.
P.S. I will try to brave the shopping chaos and try to take advantage of the sales and get me a snazzy fridge. I can't say I've ever looked forward to Black Friday like I do now. I might even be crazy enough and go super early in the morning to make sure I get the fridge I want!! Now only if I can figure which one I want!!


About the Photographer

He is the passionate and talented photographer behind the studio that is known as Montage Photographers. Inspired by people and relationships, his images capture the personality and emotions of the subjects, forever capturing a moment in time for his clients to cherish forever. The art and style in the pages of fashion magazines, bridal magazines and other couture publications are reflected in his images, often called stylized fashion/photojournalism.
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